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Kutuki - The Best Pre-School Learning App


Course summary

Kutuki is India’s first early learning platform tailor-made for Indian pre-schoolers. Kutuki is selected among the top start-ups across the country. It has contextual content which connects quickly the Indian children and parents with learning. Indian accent is another important USP of this program. It is suitable for all state boards, CBSE and ICSE Board. Children of age 2 to 7 years old may enjoy learning through this platform.


Duration 0 Days
Price Restricted


CSC Academy is a publicly invested learning institution that provides access to professional e-learning for learners of diverse backgrounds and educational needs. The Academy will foster the capability and development of the learners through a rigorous (yet paced at the learner's pace of comprehension), positive, and transformative educational experience driven by the extensive use of Information and Communication Technologies. The Academy committed to teaching, delivering of specialized courses/ training programmes and ensuring ubiquitous reach of training services and community development programmes including social justice (health, housing, education, financial services, etc.), leadership, communication skills and promotion of entrepreneurship across India. The CSC Academy known for its innovations in the application of multi-media learning tools for teaching, research, and knowledge mobilization and outreach for all e-Learners on supporting and promoting for e-Learning.